If you come today, it's too early..

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by walk_alone, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. walk_alone

    walk_alone **~~| An Atheist |~~**

    Hi guys,
    havnt visited IGT for along time but this challenge surely motivated me to write smthng...i know its not great but maybe an end to the block i was in.
    do put in ur honest comments.

    If you come today, it's too early
    too early, even before the pain
    If you come tomorrow, it's too late
    all my hopes would go in vain

    If you come today, it's too early
    too early to say goodbye
    If you come tomorrow, it's too late
    too late to even sigh

    If you come today, it's too early
    too early to give my heart
    If you come tomorrow, it's too late
    destiny would set us apart

    If you come today, it's too early
    too early to say "i do"
    If you come tomorrow, it's too late
    I may not even, ever see you

    so,stay in my soul be mine for ever
    coz I can wait till eternity than have a life long sorrow
    Its too early to come today
    It's too late to come tomorrow
  2. BubblyMartini

    BubblyMartini !!!HAWM

    i presume you have a bad memory
    forgot to mention something?
  3. walk_alone

    walk_alone **~~| An Atheist |~~**

    iam still wondering what that is?

  4. thehundredthone

    thehundredthone Well-Known Member

    I thought someone plagiarised "You pick the time" from Operation Diamond Racket :p:

    Quite decent.
  5. walk_alone

    walk_alone **~~| An Atheist |~~**

  6. #iR@


    nice to read something ritten by u... its sure been long! good work man! :)
  7. walk_alone

    walk_alone **~~| An Atheist |~~**


    Thxs Hira..thxs for your comments...

  8. voyager_avi

    voyager_avi Member

    @walk_alone Nice work man...
  9. walk_alone

    walk_alone **~~| An Atheist |~~**

    Its hilarious that people who actually threw the challenge still havent commented...maybe they still havent read it....presumabily so.
  10. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    people? was there more than one person throwing up the challenge?
  11. suprita

    suprita New Member

    really nyc... so its true dat poets can change any ridiculous thing to something dat can be cherished... wasnt it d challenge??? good one!!!
  12. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    ^hmm very ryt...
    poets can make sense out of seemingly senseless thingies :)
    this one's very nice indeed...
  13. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    lol! I know!
  14. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

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