Admin issues!

Discussion in 'Tamil Guitar Tabs - Submit or Request' started by roentgen, Apr 10, 2023.

  1. roentgen

    roentgen Well-Known Member

    Well done @abygailann and @guitarvijay for your many posts and keeping the forum alive. I will try and post more soon.

    Unfortunately @guitarvijay has been unable to reset his account despite many private messages to admins. For some reason, password reset emails are never sent to users, which means one cannot reset his/her password. This also means new users, who may desperately wish to participate and contribute, would be unable to register and activate their account.

    As a regular user of this platform for more than a decade, I have noticed that there has been a distinct absence of engagement and communication from the people in charge. While running an online community can be challenging, it is essential for the admins to actively participate in discussions and address the concerns of the members. Unfortunately, this is not happening, and it's affecting the quality of the forum.

    Without proper moderation, the discussions can become aimless, repetitive, and sometimes even toxic. Admin's involvement can ensure that the conversations stay on track, and the community's focus remains intact. Many members have expressed their dissatisfaction with the forum's current state, and the lack of response from the admin has caused further frustration. As a result of the above points, many members are losing interest in the forum and are less likely to contribute in the future

    I hope that the admin takes this feedback constructively and takes the necessary steps to improve the forum's quality.

  2. abygailann

    abygailann Well-Known Member

    Thanks Rajesh sir for your concern and respond as the music enthusiast ..Very well said and I hope the admin will take note on this matter seriously... We hope for the best...

    John Napoleon
    guitarvijay and tripravi like this.
  3. tripravi

    tripravi Well-Known Member

    Nice to hear from you Rajesh, hoping to hear from you often. Best wishes. Ravi
  4. Super-Admin

    Super-Admin Administrator Staff Member

    I'm so sorry about the mishap.

    Will look into this asap.

    Thanks for bringing this to notice.
    nalinam and tripravi like this.
  5. Super-Admin

    Super-Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Vijay's email has been reset, he should be able to login with this email id. Should there be any problem, please do let me know.
    nalinam, tripravi and guitarvijay like this.
  6. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member


    After 4 months of waiting, I am finally able to login successfully!!

    Thank you Super-Admin.

    I sincerely thank our Legend (@roentgen) for raising this and resolving it very quickly! This is the reason you are a Legend 

    Thank you very much indeed Rajesh!!!

    I am extremely delighted to be back to IGT.

    Kind regards,
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
    nalinam, tripravi and Super-Admin like this.
  7. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    The song that comes to my mind in this situation is - Kaathirundhu kaathirundhu... kaalangal ponadhadi :)

    I can see that no one has posted the chords in IGT yet for this wonderful pathos song by IR. I will post it in a few days.

    Kind regards,
    keithmurali, tripravi and Super-Admin like this.
  8. abygailann

    abygailann Well-Known Member

    Welcome back VJ...Thanks to the Super admin and Rajesh sir....Appurem yenne VJ...Kalakkungge ....
    guitarvijay and tripravi like this.
  9. Super-Admin

    Super-Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome back Vijay -

    There have been incidences where the previous admins were busy.

    We plan to take this forward in more organized way.

    Will require help from all your guys here.

    Thanks in advance.
    abygailann, guitarvijay and tripravi like this.
  10. tripravi

    tripravi Well-Known Member

    Welcome back Vijay, thanks to Rajesh to have knocked the door of admin.
    Thank you new admin team for a quick response.
    Hope all old hands participate actively from now on.
    Best wishes to all.
    guitarvijay likes this.
  11. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much John!!
  12. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much Ravi!! I am glad to be back!!!!
  13. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much Super-Admin!

    Sure. VS.Suresh, Suresh (@yesbee), myself and many others are in IT profession for decades.

    I am ready to help in whatever way I can!!!
    Super-Admin and tripravi like this.
  14. Super-Admin

    Super-Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Looking forward to meet you all guys sometime :)
    guitarvijay likes this.
  15. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    @Super-Admin, Out of interest, what is your real name please?

    Feeling odd to address you using your User ID, as we address everyone using their real names here (though their User ID is different from their real names).
    nalinam likes this.
  16. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    Hi Super-Admin (@Super-Admin),
    Just checking if there was any progress made on this to resolve some of these glaring issues.

    Please let us know what kind of help you need from us.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,
    Super-Admin likes this.
  17. Super-Admin

    Super-Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Vijay,

    Will connect with you personally.
    guitarvijay likes this.
  18. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    Perfect! Thank you Super-Admin!
  19. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    Hello Super-Admin (@Super-Admin),

    Hope you are well.

    As you might know that this Forum is gaining wider visibility (from increasing "Views" count in the Posts), is there any update on improving this Forum in several aspects such as - Registration of New Users, adding more options to existing Users (such as WhatsApp Channels, Telegram Groups for Tamil Forum), more intuitive UI Features etc, to make this Forum better?

    We are fully aware and totally respect the fact that some of the members contribute a lot, purely out of passion towards Music, without expecting anything in return.

    But I strongly feel that the Forum and this website can be improved a lot from what it is today.

    It has been over 6 months (from your last message above) and there is no further update from you. I can certainly offer my help as some of the active core members in this Forum (VS.Suresh(@vs.suresh) , Suresh (@yesbee), Yasar (@Yasa MusicTV) and myself) are IT Experts / Techie Geeks and we can certainly work with you on this.

    Please reply at the earliest and let us know how we can help you to make this Forum better, inviting, interactive and more useful for everyone.

    Please DO NOT ignore this message. I request you to action on it this time for the benefit of the wider group.

    Many thanks.

    Kind regards,
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
  20. Yasa MusicTV

    Yasa MusicTV Active Member

    +1 count to so called "IT expert"..
    Thats me...
    So many similarities in this group..
    guitarvijay likes this.

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