Admin issues!

Discussion in 'Tamil Guitar Tabs - Submit or Request' started by roentgen, Apr 10, 2023.

  1. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    Sorry Yasar! Your name completely slipped off my mind. I remembered it when we spoke few months ago and I just realized it when you liked my above message just now.

    I have edited my above message and added you as well. More, the merrier!
  2. guitarvijay

    guitarvijay Well-Known Member

    Hello Super-Admin (@Super-Admin),

    Hope you are well. I am following up again with you on the above topic.

    Please advise on the below issues:
    1. New users are unable to register as no email is received with the link for Account Activation
    2. No email is received for existing registered users when they update their Login details / Personal Info. Account gets locked and they are unable to post in the Forum
    3. Since yesterday (27-June-2024), the website is loading very slowly. Performance is severely impacted.

    I have followed-up with you a number of times above since my reply on 27-May-2023 but not even a single response from you as I can see that you were last seen in this Forum in May 2024.

    Could you please be courteous to respond this time as I am not expecting a holding-reply from you.
    Please take necessary action and remediate the issues mentioned above on a priority basis.

    As already mentioned above a few times, there are active members in this Forum who have offered help (including myself) in whatever way we can.

    Awaiting your reply.

    Kind regards,
    tripravi and Yasa MusicTV like this.

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