$- BeNgaLi CHIT-CHAT lounGe!

Discussion in 'Bengali Chit Chat Lounge' started by nik_bokacheley, Sep 9, 2005.


    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    ^^^^wHAT ????? :shock: ....baal chhire rekhe debo sala ... ..ja korar 7miles-er songe giye kor ba.ra... :p: ....i am NOttt G.ay.... :shock: .......ki dangerous chiz bey....

    and , THERE has been a misunderstanding.....so ami poriskar kore dichhi byaparta.....
    the pts. were for dekho manasi... :grin: ...ar reps. ta hochhe for voting...... ;)
    ar "reps. spread kora" term tar mane bujhiye bolis.... :)

    and LEFTY & sayanda thanx for clearing my doubts abt amps. and processors.
    ekhon budget-e dhorchhe na bole sudhu elec. guitar ar amp. kinbo.. :cool: ....processor pore dekha jabe........ :beer:
    obosyo porikhhar ja obostha mone hoy na elec. guitar hoe bole... :cry2:
  2. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u


    J&D Electric Strat Copy - Rs.6500
    Digitech RP50 / Digitech RP80 - Rs.4000
    Marshall MG10CD - 3.5K
    or Johnson 15W - 3K
  3. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    OKieee..!! Points noted..:grin:
    Ekhono deri ache..Ekhon theke tension nichhi na tai..;)..Kintu ami note kore rakhlam..:p:
  4. Iqbal_shah

    Iqbal_shah New Member

    good thread for Bengalians
  5. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    :RollLol: ...................
  6. sayanakaharry

    sayanakaharry Forum Leader

    yea man bangaliana rockz.
  7. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    Banglish ....
    Banglians .....
  8. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    :grin:..Yeah! I am the thread opener..;)..And I love talking to bong people..that's why this..> BENGALIAN THREAD!!:cool:

    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    ^^^^^ hmmm...nik, u sure seem to b proud of it.. :grin: ....i hav already complimented on this thread so any further comment will b regarded as spam......neways i like to spam.. ;) ...just getting the hang of it... :) ...so once again , its a fatafati thread !!

    and also nik , plz xplain 2 me wat u meant by saying "spreading reps."

    and iqbal welcome 2 igt !!! :welcomean ....u a bong ?????
  10. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    OKay, good to see you back after sometime ...@SCORPIO
    Anyway, what is spreading reps??

    Spreading reps why?
    Ans::- IGT,has this special or i must say typical feature. That is, when you give reputations to someone. He gets it. But, you can't give him reputations till you have reputated others. That implies you rep a person..And wait for sometime..And again you can rep him after you have spread some reputation to others.
    And, to me this is a very good thing. Now if you go on reputing a person for too long and too many times. That, wud be a baised thing..SO, This technique..;)

    Pe@Ce 0uT!!:banana:
  11. debankan

    debankan The bassist from hell

    Can you tell me exactly how many people you have to rep :) before you can rep the same person again? :Tongue2:
  12. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    :eek::..Sorry I can't tell you the exact number. But I guess it's round about 10-15. After you have reputed 15, you are allowed to repute the 1st person in the row.:)


    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    ^^^^^ hmmm...tahole tui taratari aro 10-12 jon ke rep. kor taratari ar tar por amay rep. ta de....1 soptaho time dichhi.....noile SERIAL KILLER dakbo !!! ;)

    ar debankan da, amay ektu rep. dao ..... jodi kaj kore tahole bujhte parbo je koto rep. thakle onyo kauke rep. deowa jay.....tomar ekhon ekta rep. dot aachhe....tahole jodi tomar rep. kaj kore bujhte parbo je ekta rep. dot thakleo onyo kauke rep. kora jabe....... ;)
  14. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    Achha, toke rep debo.. But kichu bhalo kaaj kor prothom-ye..:p:


    LEFTY_GUITARIST -= M®. §öU†|-|ÞäW =-

    difficult question........................if u r not DHONONJOY :shock: den.........i think u can rep same person again ........after reping more 5 people./. :p:

    but wuteva u do debankan da, jst gimmi a call..........anytime i can be there 2 help u. :beer:

    LEFTY_GUITARIST -= M®. §öU†|-|ÞäW =-

    tale laura tui custom made kora...........jrom chas pabi..fataphati pabi.damOO kom porbe....
  17. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    Custom made..:eek::..Bhebe dekhbo..;)
    Anyway, thnx..:p:

    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    are gan.du...."jaane jaan" gaantar beng. version post korechhi ( chords + tabs ).......otar jonyo dis...... :mad:

    haha......well said lefty boka.cho.da.............neway i hav figured out the number of person u can rep......1. it depends upon the availability of resources ( i hope u understand wat i mean ) & 2. the perfect circumstance ( meaning alone ) & 3. ur skill and experiance !!! ;) .......so i think the rate will be something like this :-->
    1. Noobie [ Rookie ] -----> 6 ( 1 per hour )
    2. Intermediate ----------> 12 ( 2 per hour )
    3. Experianced [ PRO ]--> 24 ( 4 per hour )

    The above example is for the time span ( 12.00 PM -- 5.00 PM )... ;)

    neways , .....here in igt u hav to rep. 10 persons b4 u can rep the same person again........just found it out from a very old post ..... ;)
  19. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    Good work SCORPIO..:p:
    And, don't foget to edit your post^^coz the HTML code showing up!!


    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    hehehee... :RollLol: first learn to type properly.... :p:
    it shud hav been like this......

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