$- BeNgaLi CHIT-CHAT lounGe!

Discussion in 'Bengali Chit Chat Lounge' started by nik_bokacheley, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    :eek::LEFTY chere de..Ota ekta bachha chele..;)

    *dances away*

    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    hehehe.. :RollLol: ....tor body-guard achhe jantam na.. :p: ....jai hok maine ta bariye dis karon.... :grin:
    chhere de ,Ota ekta bachha chele..;)

    *dances away*

    LEFTY_GUITARIST -= M®. §öU†|-|ÞäW =-


    thnx scorpio, but tui jodi charte chas, tale amra ar ki boli :think:
    nik_bokacheley likes this.
  4. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    ^^LEFTY Rocking POST!!:ptime:
    :eek::REPS TO U LEFTY!!;)

    LEFTY_GUITARIST -= M®. §öU†|-|ÞäW =-

    Thnx Nik:d:.........................

    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    ^^^^ ha ha ha ha ho hoh oh... :RollLol: ......nice post lefty.....dont know why i am laughing myself in spite of being ridiculed.......perhaps my custom-title is the answer.....neways nice post......ar haan, ami abar lau.ra.cho.da ar bo.ka.cho.da. ar ga.n.du.cho.da hoye fire esechhi........ ;)

    ar nik tor ar ek jon ke reps. deowa hoye gelo.....to amar turn ta ki esechhe ekhono???? ..... ;)
    debankan likes this.
  7. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    ^^Besi reps reps koris na toh SCORPIO..Debo bolechi..debo..;)

    And, WELCOME back..:beer:
  8. debankan

    debankan The bassist from hell

    Scorpio reps diyechi peli kina dekh.
  9. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    Debankan da'...Jodi SCORPIO besi bayna kore..Okey REPS diO na. Maal-ta khali bayna kore arr kaana katti kore.. REPS neowar jonne..:mad:

    LEFTY_GUITARIST -= M®. §öU†|-|ÞäW =-

    SOB SALA REP REP KORE MOLLO........accha scorpio, tui ki kono magi?? nik ke rep korte bolchis???

    jodi tui meye hos, tor barir address ar chobi mail kor, ami ar debankan da giye daitto niye rep korwe asbo toke.:grin:
  11. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    ^^FUnny..But boring..!!:)*kidding*
    Okay, rep tape chaar.!! Onno toPIC - start kor..!!:p:
    Like, PUJO te ki hobey kolkatay??:think:..Anything new?? Are any of the famous band performing there??:think:

    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    aha !!!! guru !!! peye gechhiiiiiii .... :dance:

    ar nik......tor kotha moto ar bayna korbo na reps-er jonyo........sudhu ar ekbar last bole nichhi ......aajke to onekjon ke dili.......achha thak ar bolbo na..... :eek::

    notun topic niye ----> amader paray hoy fosils noile lakkhichhara aste pare......ar ta chhara prottek din-i to kothao na kothao hoy Fossils noile Cactus ba Lakkhichhara perform korchhe...... :cool:

    ekta bad newz----> But this Pujo , is the worst Pujo of all ------becoz Doshomi and Nobomi r on the same day ....... :cry2: :cry1: :sadbye:

    but ekta gud newz ------ amar elec. guitar kena final hoye gechhe mone hoy.......karon results berobe pujor por..... ;)
  13. Banga Lee

    Banga Lee New Member

    For your kind or unkind information more than 50% of the rape victims personally know their rapists.

    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    ok .......enuf of ra.pe.s and all.......ekhon amar notun topics gulo te jaowa jak..... :mad:
  15. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    :shock: This it to inform all of you guys out here

    I have opened the "bengali CHIT-CHAT" so that we can talk free over here. And, avoid off topics in the other threads. And I would not like ourselves going indisiplined. We should know and keep in mind that we're on a FORUM. And not in any personal "rock/adda'r thek".
    We rendezvous, and talk over here. But see that we dont cross the limit. Use limited terms. And try to avoid hurting other's sentiments. Once neo see's us talking about r.a.p.e. he is either going to close this thread or ban few of us out. SO I suggest we should not talk about controversial things. Discussions and arguments differ by huge count.

    But, please don't be demoralized. This post was not to offend you guys. Or bring about any fear in your minds. But, this was a caution. So that we can be desciplined yet friendly like we are..

    I hope i did not over---write anything.:p:

    Pe@Ce 0uT!!:banana:
  16. sayanakaharry

    sayanakaharry Forum Leader

    3 cheers nik. hope all here respect your intentions (though i have a serious doubt about it). ;)
  17. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    Thanks for understanding me sayan'da:) And, 3 cheers to all of us..:)
    Let the discussions continue..:rock:
  18. sayanakaharry

    sayanakaharry Forum Leader

    arrey nik eto formal hochchhish keno? eituku karone thanx deoar kichhu nei. ar protisruti poll-e vote korish please.
  19. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    Okie..Dokie..:p:..Ami toh informal hoteEEE chai..:p:
    Achha, ami vote debo. Kintu LEFTY amay kaal-ke dibbi diyechilo . Tai ami kichu post tost korchilam na.:eek::
    Anyway, ami bodhoy vote dite pari..


    LEFTY_GUITARIST -= M®. §öU†|-|ÞäW =-

    ^^^^^^^vote korte baron kori ni:p:.......

    ar haan

    2nd oct. rock jugalbandi........ke ke jacche?????

    ar ar ekta gr8 news......fossils er new album mission F pujo teh berobe.

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