$- BeNgaLi CHIT-CHAT lounGe!

Discussion in 'Bengali Chit Chat Lounge' started by nik_bokacheley, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    HmmMMmmm!! PuJo te mOney hoy na hoBey!! I'll be at Durgapur! Thiz will be the first time I'll be at DGP. Rest of the years I am always at kolkata. Anyway, best of luck for the programme PROTRISTUTI..:p:!

    Anyone from DGP? Or planning to come to DGP plzz PM me..:p:

    Are there no girls learning guitar..and a IGT member? Plzz refer your girl friends..

  2. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    Even with branded guitars, body is made at a different location, neck is made at a different location and assembled at another location. It's just how much a company or a lutheir cares for the quality makes a guitar good or bad.
  3. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    A T T E N T I O N M E M B E R S !

    Do you know what I saw today?? Today, in the morning. At about 10 a.m. when I logged into IGT! The first thing that drew my eyes was the newset member thing.
    Okay, the id is something like cool_girl15
    Then being a bit curious I open her profile. And what I found shocked me.:shock:..She was vewing a bengali thread. icchhedena by parash pathar.
    And , the next time opened her profile, i found she was vewing a hindi thread-"kuch kuch hota hai"..WOW!
    I think we have a bengali girl on our forum!!:grin: We have what we were craving for ...:)
    :eek::But sadly, she hasn't made any post. Nor can we contact her. Her PM is oFF. She has no mode of contact left for us in her public profile.:eek::

    ANYWAY, I WELCOME cool_girl15 to IGT!!:rockon:

    ..JoiN us..:cool:..bE cool..

    Pe@Ce 0uT!!:banana:
  4. nik_bokacheley

    nik_bokacheley :help: I'm a mad :sadbye:

    Alright..:eek::..Thanks for informing that..:)


    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    Now, dont talk like that becoz ur way of talkin will make her shy........neway welcome from me too, to IGT.......plz post soon........ :cool: .......and be cool ...

    and thanx every1 out there (lefty *****,and others) for ur help...... :beer:
  6. cYpHeR

    cYpHeR Banned

    despo :p:


    psst....is this a spam thread in disguise...??? can non bongs contribute here
  7. ssslayer

    ssslayer Banned



    ooops ... i slipped my fingers while typing ...

    hey boka ...
    what does boka choda mean?
  8. cYpHeR

    cYpHeR Banned

    hehe....boka means "boy" in bong....ch0da means u kno wat...

    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    well u guyz hav the ntire Chit Chat Lounge to spam to ur heart's content .. :p: ....so why u feeling jealous of our little own spam corner..... ;)

    And obviously, everyone is invited to contribute to this thread...... :grin:
  10. cYpHeR

    cYpHeR Banned

    sahi hai bidu...glad we dont hav bong mods here ;)

    SCORPIO `~(^$ceRtiFieD MaD$^)~`

    u r wrong ........boka in bong means a stu.pid jack.a**........and ch0da means u know what...... ;)
  12. ssslayer

    ssslayer Banned

    well u know what ... once we were in Goa ... n three chakkas came and said that to us ...

    b.t.w. i hate to admit this but those were looking hotter than all of the girls present on the beach ...

    fcuk ... only when those words came out we realised and recognised the voices that **** those are chakkas ...

    bahin chod !@
  13. cYpHeR

    cYpHeR Banned

    sala 9 yrs ive been in mum...still nvr been to goa....
  14. ssslayer

    ssslayer Banned

    dont go dude ...
    i just told u my story ...

    :cry1: ... oh how i wished they were real babes :RollLol:
    damn ...
  15. cYpHeR

    cYpHeR Banned

    hehe...i prefer hill station than beaches...so im nt goin anyway
  16. Nanda

    Nanda Bassist

    Hey Bhoka Chodas how r ya ......
  17. ssslayer

    ssslayer Banned

    hey nanda, u been to goa?
    u by any chance one of those chakkas?
  18. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    Boka in Bengali means Foolish. Cheley means Boy. Now you know what's Niki BOKA CHELEY.
  19. cYpHeR

    cYpHeR Banned

    nik_cheley choda.....:RollLol:

    welcum nanda
  20. Nanda

    Nanda Bassist

    hey wht made u think so ...

    Bhoka Choda is a bengali Gali ..., so thought its apt to put it here on the bengali thread ... I am learining bengali galis to use on this thread ...

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