Pictures Taken From Your Mobile Phone

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by lord_neo, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. BubblyMartini

    BubblyMartini !!!HAWM

    OH MY!!!!:Laughing:
    where on MG is this shop!!

    btw i stood on a chair in a busy restaurant hustle bustle to take that pic :shock:

 was worth it...a cute guy who passed by smiled at me*batting eyelashes*
  2. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

    @lord_neo ::: the pic on the gate...
    ROFLMAO = reps+++
    if we're allowed to rep the all holy...
  3. Hardik

    Hardik .:.:.:BoRn TaLenT:.:.:.

    i got a w800i too a few days back....:dance:

    here are some pics...

    these were the only ones small enough in size...the rest i took were all above 400kb...

    i dunno how Doc's pics are so good AND small in size...
    plz Doc shed some light on this...:nw:

    1. Me in tune while playing Rangon mein-Jal
    2. my band playing "Zinda-strings"
    (both of these were in our college auditorium...)
    3 & 4 - pics of drawings done by my bro...he is in 9th std.

    Attached Files:

  4. DrSaurabh

    DrSaurabh Wh@+s Up D0C

    well, i resize the pics using the picture resizer power toy, by microsoft for XP...
    and 2 takin the pics, try using the night mode, and i never EVER use the default white balance, i switch to either day light or cloudy
    i usually prefer cloudy for nature shots, not just in the cell, but in any digi cam, this results in more vibrant colors....
    and click the thing halfway, wait for the beep...then click pura...always wait for the brackets to turn green..... :) and keep ur hands super still
    try using night mode whrever...and see if u have the latest firmware..
  5. Hardik

    Hardik .:.:.:BoRn TaLenT:.:.:.

    never knew about the green breckets thing...Thanks doc. i'll keep those things in mind...
    one more question,what did u mean by latest firmware and where do we get it? ericsson site?..
  6. DrSaurabh

    DrSaurabh Wh@+s Up D0C

    too chek ur frimware version do this
    in the standby mode, with the joystick....left * right , right * right *
    and chek software info
    the latest is R1AA008
  7. Hardik

    Hardik .:.:.:BoRn TaLenT:.:.:.

    ok..thanks a lot doc...right now i have R1N035,but i went to SE site and will be updating it today...thanks..:)
  8. vini

    vini Repeat Offender

    @ notty
    good yaar..even i didnt know i own a shop..cripes :Laughing:
  9. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    Oi, hardik....the 4th drawing is really great.

    The 3rd looks suspiciously like Puppy from the Chloromint Ad :shock:
  10. Hardik

    Hardik .:.:.:BoRn TaLenT:.:.:.

    ^^ ..thanks bjr,that compliment goes to my bro..and the 3rd drawing is of Emma Watson as Hermoine Granger in Harry potter-4...i havent seen da puppy,but i think its good enough..:)
  11. the pictures which i take from my w800 suck :cry2:
    .:SpY_GaMe:. likes this.
  12. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    learn to use autofocus

    do not click the button completely....half click it...the cam will adjust and u'll hear a beeb (no beep if u have silent mode on) and the crosshair will change colour....continue clicking then....and keep ur cam still during the process
  13. guitarangela

    guitarangela gran'ma

    i need to bump some thred due to this boredom...
    @hardik, the 4th was great....but the third one, i realized it was Emma Watson after the name in the back....she looks like a grandmother to me:eek:: ..maybe ur brother was trying to draw Mrs. Watson(emma's grandmother)..then he did a good job....(no offense,dear)
    nice pics:beer:
  14. Hardik

    Hardik .:.:.:BoRn TaLenT:.:.:.

    ^^lol,i'll tell this to my brother,...i'll cant wait to see da look on his face...;)
  15. nikeballerx13

    nikeballerx13 New Member

    yummm turtle soup
  16. hate_breeder

    hate_breeder worms r shcarryyy :'(

    here is pic of my foolish korean frend
    and second pic is of sparrow that came in my house and sat under my pc table, u can see the wire. it was so difficult to catch that sparrow and get it out

    Attached Files:

  17. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    This is India :)

    What made me take this pic is that surrounding area was clean ..n its like people walked upto the Bin .. n threw the thrash down .. as if Its a sign board indicating throw the thrash Down here..

    Attached Files:

  18. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member

    some crappy pics to make this thread alive

    Attached Files:

  19. CrYpTiC_angel

    CrYpTiC_angel Rebelle!

    after lookin at the pics u posted, i say this thread was better off dead

  20. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member

    no wonder i said

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