Pictures Taken From Your Mobile Phone

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by lord_neo, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    nice pics man

    @jamhead...dude K750i is available for 12-13 has an awesome cam.
  2. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

    guess who just entered the rat race....

    ive been a li'l busy wearin panty hose and anewewz took some time off to go and have some fun wid heres a pic i took wid his mobile phoon....
    chek it out...

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  3. Priyank_Jal_fan

    Priyank_Jal_fan ..:[Snip]:..

    Here are few more pics....

    Thanks for appritiation.......... here are some more pics... some mine and my frends.... and do see my PC junk in the background...

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  4. jae_mhetri

    jae_mhetri New Member


    And 14 muscles to slap n blow d shit out off d guy
  5. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    Check this out ..

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  6. wow what's that?
  7. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    ^Are you goosy ?

    You can't make it out :shock:
  8. #iR@


    @ notty... AWESOME PIC! :)
  9. TheDevil

    TheDevil Ruler of Hell

    Some Pictures taken with my recently bought SE k790i, check it out ....

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    1 person likes this.
  10. i'm_not_neo

    i'm_not_neo el valor máximo absoluto

    2 thumbs up

    This is really an interesting and creative thread,I'll definitely be posting regularly here...
    Pic 2 is the same pic taken from an upper view...the only reason I posted the other pic was because I saw a tree and a bird in the cup.

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  11. lord_neo

    lord_neo Guest

    Thats the tiniest flower i ever saw, good shit!
  12. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    ^That's a flower with retarded development.
  13. lord_neo

    lord_neo Guest

    I wonder what a girl would say if you give her that instead of a rose?
  14. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    Either gush with happiness and smother you with kisses for taking the time to find this "unique" flower (if she's dumb/blonde/extremely nice) or "kick you where the sun dont shine" for being a cheap ass. (If she's materialistic)
  15. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    The size of the number plate is really big .. I think it is home made .. lol

    Clicked it while riding :p

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  16. nazr

    nazr angel is my genital..

    Hilarious... chilled_beer[2].JPG

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    .:SpY_GaMe:. likes this.
  17. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member

    lmao^^^ it happens only in india
  18. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    But .. Isn't the topic supposed to be Pictures taken from "YOUR" mobile phone?

    anyway continue .. as if people ever stick to the topic :D
  19. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    ^Yeah, tht child beer one is way old.
  20. ajaykumar.p

    ajaykumar.p New Member

    Pic taken in singapore

    I took this one in Santosa, Singapore. All the girls are watching the dolphin show illegally, and the kid turned away as he couldnt see the scene.

    Plz reply, if u like it.


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