Pictures Taken From Your Mobile Phone

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by lord_neo, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. :RollLol::RollLol:

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    notty_lad likes this.
  2. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God


  3. acousticdreamer

    acousticdreamer ΩUNPLUGGEDΩ

    Rainbow outside Bangalore station

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  4. shsnawada

    shsnawada Cyborgs & Pasta

    Hihi A history of where it might have come from?
  5. prattu

    prattu New Member

    See mine

    pls check my snap that i have downloaded.

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  6. prattu

    prattu New Member

    One more

    One more pic from my mobile phone collection

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  7. Nevadan

    Nevadan New Member

    some pictures of the mountains behind my house.

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  8. BlissStrings

    BlissStrings New Member

    I may be slow but I know where to look for help

    Thought Ya'll might like this one.....It came from my backyard when I lived in Dallas, Texas.

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  9. CrYpTiC_angel

    CrYpTiC_angel Rebelle!

    ^Aww! Cute : )
  10. asim13june

    asim13june New Member


    I Tried So Hard.................... Ab o Aadat Si Hain

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  11. nytysa

    nytysa New Member


    hey the images say dat u r quite a gud observer! well done!
  12. ajesh_mani

    ajesh_mani New Member

    this is my first post

    its funny ........not if it really happens

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  13. NoneSoVile

    NoneSoVile New Member

    Even though I'm a guitarist, I have to admit my love for the smoothness of that bass guitar tone. Some pics I took on my phone of my 6 stringer when I got it last year.



    My old bass amp,


    She's a beauty eh?
  14. worker

    worker New Member

    find lots of good pictures.... thanks everyone for posting. hope you will get some from my side too
  15. musicmanPKR

    musicmanPKR New Member

    i'd love to die for that
  16. zemini

    zemini New Member

    Nice pics people
  17. ReBoRn

    ReBoRn New Member

    Awesome bass ..killer looks! great natural wooden finish \m/
  18. ultrabot90

    ultrabot90 Like fishes need bicycles

    Yup, pure 0wnage. Cool guitar, cooler amp @_@
  19. Super-Admin

    Super-Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Thats a sweet base i concur!
  20. paranoid13rohan

    paranoid13rohan .: iNDiaN iDioT 3.0 :.

    NoneSoVile, u r 1 helluva basstard. is ur elec ***ier or wha?

    anyways, dis is the logo of our physiology dept. fest - phoenix.
    btw dis is a rangoli.

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